Talking Drupal Newsletter #488
#488 Drupal Open University
Today we are talking about The open university initiative, Drupal in academia, and Fostering Drupal Education with guest Jean-Paul Vosmeer. We’ll also cover Artisan as our module of the week.
What is the Drupal Open University Initiative
How did this initiative start
Why is it important to get Drupal into Universities and Classrooms
What stage is the initiative at
Is Drupal currently in any universities
Is it better to approach schools or professors directly
How is the curriculum being developed
What are the main differences between this initiative and resources like, Drupal at your fingertips, or Drupal TB
What is next on the roadmap
Where does Drupal CMS fit in
Where does the initiative need help
How can someone get involved
Jean-Paul Vosmeer - jpvos
Nic Laflin - nicxvan
John Picozzi - johnpicozzi
Avi Schwab - froboy
Module of the Week
with Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu
Artisan - Artisan goal is to provide a base theme that allows most of its components to be reused without having to completely overwrite them in the custom theme of a specific project. Its objective is to offer a functional, fast and consolidated design base that is easily extensible.
Upcoming Episodes
#489 IXP Community Initiative with Carlos Ospina and Michael Anello. Recording February 11.
#490 Drupal Contrib First with Steve Wirt. Recording February 18.
#491 Avi's Show. Recording February 25.
#492 Pantheon Content Publisher with John Money & Chris Reynolds. Recording March 4.
Submit your questions on the #TalkingDrupal channel on Drupal Slack.
5 Questions with Scott Weston
Scott guest hosted on episodes 484 to 487. He is Senior Director of the Drupal practice at Bounteous Accolite. Scott has been working with Drupal since the early days of Drupal 6 and holds more Acquia certifications than anyone else globally. He is co-maintainer of documentation for database and queries on and is a regular presenter at DrupalCons and camps. Scott is passionate about making the administration and management of Drupal websites easy for site managers and content creators.
What was your first Drupal website?
My first Drupal website I made was for a company I worked for a long time ago. It was Drupal 5 and was replacing a Joomla site. It was a very basic site by today’s standards, but at the time I thought I was a wizard for what I was able to build in Drupal!
What did you go to college for, and where?
I hold a B.S. in Education from the University of Central Oklahoma. I went through student teaching and decided that teaching wasn’t for me. I stuck it out and got the degree!
What books have positively impacted your career?
In no particular order:
Radical Candor by Kim Scott
The Pragmatic Programmer by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas
Drupal 10 Development Cookbook by Matt Glaman and Kevin Quillen
(Podcast) Principle-Driven Leadership by Seth Dobbs
Outside of Drupal, what hobbies do you have?
Bowling - I’ve been bowling off and on since I was a child. I’ve bowled three perfect games in my life (so far)!
Lego - I love building and displaying lego sets. The biggest set I have is Titanic, which took over a month to build.
Pickleball - I started playing pickleball with friends about a year ago. It’s great fun and more exercise than you think it’d be!
Plain or peanut M&M?
Why not both? If I have to pick just one, it’d be peanut M&Ms
Scott can be contacted at
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