Talking Drupal Newsletter #473
#473 Color in CSS with Sass
Today we are talking about Color with CSS, Sass, and bringing it all into Drupal with guest Aubrey Sambor . We’ll also cover Navigation Extra Tools as our module of the week.
A little career background
Why Front end
Do you prefer JS or CSS
How do colors work today in CSS
Is this different from the past
What is gamut
Can color functions help with contrast
What color functions make you the most excited
Is Sass still a thing
Do you use preprocessors with color functions
Post CSS in Drupal
Any modules you can recommend to help with CSS colros
Any benefit for single directory compontents or web components
Nic Laflin - nicxvan
John Picozzi - johnpicozzi
Aubrey Sambor - starshaped
Module of the Week
with Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu
Provides a "Tools" submenu on the new Navigation toolbar with options for clear cache, run cron, and run updates. This performs exactly the same functions as the "Admin Toolbar Extra Tools" submodule of Admin Toolbar.
Upcoming Episodes
#475 Workspaces with Scott Weston. Recording November 5.
#476 AI Autonomy with Jay Callicott. Recording November 12.
#477 Josh's Show Recording November 19.
#478 Drupal Trial Experience with Matt Glaman. Recording November 26.
Submit your questions on the #TalkingDrupal channel on Drupal Slack or @TaklingDrupal on Twitter, @TalkingDrupal@Drupal.Community on Mastodon.
5 Questions with Aubrey Sambor
Aubrey is our guest host for episodes 470 thru 473.
Aubrey specializes in CSS and accessibility with over 15 years of Drupal experience. She loves knitting, coffee, fountain pens, and a good IPA.
What was your first Drupal website?
Back in 2008, I worked as a designer at a musical instrument retail store. They wanted a boutique musical instrument site to sell their high end instruments, so I discovered Drupal when searching for an open source solution that functioned the way I needed. I had no idea what I was doing back then so I totally hacked core, but by the time I landed my first Drupal job in 2009, I knew better!
Where is your sweet spot in the web development process (back-end developer, front-end developer, design, project management, sales …)?
I’m primarily a front-end developer, but in the past I’ve worked as a designer and as a back-end developer (Java and PHP). I love front-end development the most, however.
What did you go to college for, and where?
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Indiana University.
Outside of Drupal, what hobbies do you have?
I have lots of hobbies! I love to knit, mainly sweaters and socks. I also spin my own yarn on one of my spinning wheels and write in my paper planner using my fountain pens.
What is your favorite meal?
All sushi, all the time! I don’t think I’d ever get sick of eating it.
Contact Aubrey at
2025 Aaron Winborn Award Nominations
The Drupal Community Working Group is pleased to announce that nominations for the 2025 Aaron Winborn Award are now open. This is your chance to recognize someone for their service, integrity, kindness, and above-and-beyond commitment to the Drupal community.
New England Drupal Camp - Nov 15 -16
Higher Education Summit Agenda
Minifigure of the Week
by Nic Laflin
This week I would like to share 71008-7 Alien Trooper! This is the 7th minifigure in the 13th series of collectible minifigures. Released in 2015, this reminds me of Cthulu avid followers will note this is the first figure of the week repeat, but I thought this deserved a better picture!
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