Talking Drupal Newsletter #472
Episode #472 Access Policy API
Today we are talking about Access Policy API, What it does, and How you can use it with guest Kristiaan Van den Eynde. We’ll also cover Visitors as our module of the week.
What is the Access Policy API
Why does Drupal need the Access Policy API
How did Drupal handle access before
How does the Access Policy API interact with roles
Does a module exist that shows a UI
What is the difference between Policy Based Access Control (PBAC), Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) and Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
How does Access Policy API work with PBAC, ABAC and RBAC
Can you apply an access policy via a recipe
Is there a roadmap
What was it like going through pitchburg
How can people get involved
Kristiaan Van den Eynde - kristiaanvandeneynde
Nic Laflin - nicxvan
John Picozzi - johnpicozzi
Aubrey Sambor - starshaped
Module of the Week
with Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu
Visitors is a powerful, native Drupal web analytics tool designed to empower site builders and administrators with comprehensive insights into their site's performance and user behavior. Unlike external solutions like Matomo and Google Tag, Visitors is seamlessly integrated into the Drupal ecosystem, providing enhanced data control, privacy, and a user-friendly experience.
Upcoming Episodes
#474 Revolt event loop with Alexander Varwijk. Recording October 29.
#475 Workspaces with Scott Weston. Recording November 5.
#476 AI Autonomy with Jay Callicott. Recording Novemger 12.
#476 Josh's Show Recording Novemger 19.
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Join John, Nic, and Martin at NEDCamp - November 15-16 in Providence, RI.
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Minifigure of the Week
by Nic Laflin
This week I would like to share 71008-6 Paleontologist! This is the 6th minifigure in the 13th series of collectible minifigures. Released in 2015, I love the Ammonite fossil!
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